Thursday, June 7, 2012

A little of this, and a Little of that.

.... or, how to entertain your grandkids.

Read the book "Beady Bear" in a cave....

Do "Stuff"....

like watching a slide show of Mom & Dad in Hawaii for breakfast

Do more "Stuff"....

like gardening....

or lollygagging...

and more lollygagging...

... notice how Eden has developed a safe way to watch TV when surrounded by two whirling dervish big brothers. Smart girl!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys were having way too much fun! No wonder Eden's been wandering around the house "lost" since you left. :)
    Love the pic of the boys lounging on the couch. Particularly the one where Kian is laying on top of Ezra...what a pill! They sure do love each other!
    Miss you.
