Sunday, December 12, 2010

There's always next year,,,

Army Navy Game 2010...
I snuck out at midnight the night prior and hung the Army flag off the Coski's front banister... John's comment to Ruth Ann the next morning, "We've been provoked". (Priceless) As you can see, they've added an amendment.
As we set up for the days event I told Sue that we didn't need a chair for John as he would be down on the floor with Nuala. He did not prove me to be a liar.
This was the first event to be held in the recently upgraded Bird Theater down in the Man Cave.

Sue and I joined our guests Mike and Pam, along with John and Ruth Ann in enjoying a wonderful spread. The Coski's brought along a plate of Pigs in a Blanket, a loaf of John's yummy bread, and RA's spicy cheese "cookies" . Mike and Pam supplied Mike's famous Moonlight Movie Popcorn, and Susu whipped up a crock pot of corny chili with cheese. For those with room for it, we had Apple Pie a la mode, and Cheese Cake.
RA impressed us all with her half time Flying Wallendas Power Nap.

Navy 31 Army 17.
C'est La vie.

Over the years I've become quite adept at biting my lip.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Let it SNOW !

True to form, the Snow Gods delivered the goods.
In a post last year I mentioned that December 5th seemed to be a date when we have seen the first measurable snow in several of the past years.
2009 was a bust, and 2010 didn't appear to be holding any promise for snow, in any amount, by that date. Weather forecasts last week suggested a chance, then as the date drew near the forecasters began to waffle. By yesterday it looked like we might just see flurries, if that, and any accumulating snow would be to our south.
Not to be dissuaded, we started the Tiki Snow Dance.

Not much more than a dusting, but more important than that, it occurred on that magical date December 5th. (to be honest, the snow started on the evening of the 4th and continued into the wee hours of the 5th)
The only thing that would have made this better would have been to share the moment with the grand kids and some  of their iced sugar cookies.
A Merry Christmas To All.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Alas, The end is here... Robin, Jenn, and JJ leave for Ohio...Sniff

Time for one last romp, and swim at the river.

Time for one last photo-op.

Time to shed some tears.
Thanks Robin and Jenn for making the long drive from Ohio to visit with us. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving because you were here with us, and thanks for bringing JJ, as Nuala was in heaven.... plenty to be thankful for.
Wishing for you a safe and uneventful trip back home... can't wait to come see you in Ohio.

Love you both... XOXOXO.... Woof !

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010 Robin & Jenn, Richmond VA

Just as it should be, upon arrival Wednesday eve, the Sees Milk Bordeaux are served. Robin, Jenn, and Sue gabbed until the wee hours. I went to bed in prep for the Turkey Trot in the AM.

Thanksgiving started with the annual Richmond Road Runners 10K Turkey Trot, and I was happy with my times, a 10:10 per mile pace... Not bad for an old codger.
Once I got back home the girls had most everything ready for the impending feast, and all I had to do was fire up the grill and chuck the turkey in.
Then it was off to the  rivah with the Robin, Jenn, Nuala, and JJ. Those pups made the Tasmanian Devil look slow.

Back at the house after the  puppies swim we tied up a few loose ends... unfinished brewskis, carving the bird, baking Jenn's Pumpkin Cake, checking Blackberries, and posing for the obligatory pre-feast photo.

The Guests of Honor Robin and Jenn, along with a picture of the puppies having worn themselves out on the deck.

Friday started off rainy and slow which was just fine with everyone. By midday the rain had moved east and we took a 2 mile walk to the Forest Hill Park lake, the river, and back to the house, The puppies of course made good use of the water and assorted sticks they found.

OBSERVATION: Puppies never ever get tired.

The Girls Come To Town

The girls, Robin and Jenn came out for the Thanksgiving Holiday and I can't believe, the only picture I took the entire visit was of the small, nondescript, "Catholic" chapel we visited here in Westover Hills.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fall Finery

This years fall colors seem to be somewhat subdued, I suspect because of the long, hot, and dry summer we had. I will say however, that just when I start thinking the colors are looking a bit anemic, I'll come around a bend and see a tree that is so colorful, and so bright, I'd swear it had to be plugged in.

Inspired by grandson Ezra's "My Autumn Eyes" poem, I humbly offer the following Haiku, and dedicate it to my four wonderful grandchildren, Alex, Ezra, Kian, and Eden.

Autumn colors sing
Orange, yellow, umber, hues
Listen with your heart


My Autumn Eyes...

My autumn eyes behold scary pirates on the street,
Brown leaves on the ground,
Golden pumpkins in the field,
Fun parties in the houses.
This is what my autumn eyes behold.


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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nuala's First 10K

Nuala took part in her first 10K run Monday morning... if she had known what she was about to partake in I don't think we would have progressed much farther than Belle Island. I've wanted to try the North Bank Trail for sometime now and Monday seemed like a good day to give it a try. Perfect weather and temps in the high 40's to low 50's. (Clockwise from Top left) We started on our normal South Bank Trail and took that from the Nickle Bridge down to Belle Island where Nuala took a dip to cool off. Then it was over the Lee Bridge to the North Bank Trail head. The North Bank Trail runs from the Tredager Iron Works West past the Hollywood Cemetery, through a residential neighborhood for about half a mile, then past Maymont. The trail takes you past Maymont's Japanese Gardens, and the bear enclosure... alas, no bear to view this time. At Maymont the trail climbs out of the river and up to the North side of the Nickel Bridge and a short jog back to the house.

I think the run might have tuckered out the pup just a bit. She took a nap from about 1pm till 4pm and only moved to either change the bed or her position in the bed. I would be lying if I told you I didn't do the very same thing.
Heck.... We deserved it!!!

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From Damsels to Dragons and everything in between, King William had them all for halloween

Princess Mia, Dragon Ian, Ballerina Lilly, Fireman Gabe (I'll save you), Vivian in her ballgown, Adeline the little bug.

Good Witches Pammy & Inga, Elmo - Hadley, Fireman - Gabe, Ladybug - Hanna, Medusa - Nora, Bad Teacher - Rosie.

Onlookers: Berle's daughter in law and Hanna, Berle, Inga, Berle's son in law, and Jack. Raj with a cute little bug, Vivian in her ballgown, Lindsay & John with their Greyhounds as a witch and angel, Princess and Football player trick or treaters.

Charlie - Old Man, Sammy - Ninja, Medusa - Nora & Bad Teacher Rosie with dad Pete, Klara - Bunny Rabbit, Jack - Elephant. Another little Ladybug.

Sophie, Hadley, and Lilly sort through the loot while Amelie, John & Ruth Ann look on.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

Saturdays road trip....

Last Saturday, John and Ruth Ann invited the "Top of the Hill Gang" to join along in a fall road trip out to Madison County, VA. First stop, Yoder's for sandwiches and drinks... I'm still salivating thinking of all the tempting pies & pastries. Lunch in hand we continued up the road to the home of Bob Tierney, long time friend of John & Ruth Ann. Bob's home is located at the base of Old Rag Mountain, a very popular hiking destination in VA. We all sat and enjoyed lunch and each others company out on Bob's deck. Betty, Bob's dog, also made an appearance and plenty of friends.
Those with keen eyes  may have noticed that "Bobby" our traveling gnome was along for the of the Yoder's sign.
A special treat was a chance to view some of the art work of the late Tucker Hill, another close friend of the Coski's who lived with Bob until he passed away.

After lunch we piled into the cars and headed to our next stop, the DuCard vineyard for some wine tasting. Bobby hung out at the sign.
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....Saturday Evening, The Gilbert-Reavey Pumpkin Carving & Pizza Party

Clockwise from top left: Kelsey's dad & Heather monitor the swing and the Salley, Andresen, & Jenkins kids....John & Pammy with Carlene & Bill Bennett.... Claire, Missy with Kelsey & Jack.... Mike & Pammy carve a pumpkin with help.... Peter the host and Pizza King.

The Party, & Pizza, heats up... Klara and her Grandpa sample the fare.... Mike, Leah, & Hadley snuggle... Claire & Sammy carve a masterpiece...

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.

       Woolf, Virginia

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wishes On The Riverbed

While taking our almost daily walk to the river, Nuala and I came across this memorial left in the riverbed.
Elegant in its simplicity, from left to right it reads: Clarity, Love, Hope, Gratitude, Freedom, Peace, Bliss, and Courage.
Wishing for you, all of these and more.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nuala's Fall Road Trip.

Sue has had it in her mind for sometime now that Nuala would enjoy a trip to the beach. I'm not so sure that it wasn't Sue channeling her desires through Nuala.
In any event, Nuala got her wish and we traveled down to Sandbridge, VA for the day.

Clockwise from bottom right: "are we there yet", "are we there yet", "are we there yet", "are we there yet"...


Nuala's introduction to the ocean went well right up until she was pummeled by a  decent sized wave. After that she was content to spend the rest of the afternoon at the beach chairs with Poppy.
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King William's annual lawn aeration, & Krispy Kreme festival.

The end of September saw the annual neighborhood lawn aerating get together. Mike and I picked up the machine and with the help of those able to pitch in, knocked out approx 13 lawns in around four hours. Kids of all ages entertained themselves during the process at the Krispy Kreme, coffee, and juice bar.
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Bobby does Virginia

Anyone who's heard the stories of the Garden Gnome swiped from a garden and turning up in pictures all over the world, can appreciate the story behind Bobby.

It seems Vickie, (Baseball player Thomas Neal's mom), was at her brothers visiting and he had these plastic wrestling figures that he's painted black and set up along the driveway, (Sounds like quite the character). Vickie thought it'd be great fun to steal one and see what her brother did when he found out it was missing.
Bobby was the figure Vickie absconded with after leaving a ransom note.
Vickie then decided to taunt her brother by sending him pictures of Bobby at  locations Vickie visited in her travels.
After telling the story to Sue the girls decided to expand Bobby's travels in a most unusual way... Bobby was cloned.
Sue found a Bobby figure out here in VA at one of those Big Box dime stores, took it home, and painted it black. The rest, as they say, is history.

Clockwise from top left: Bobby in his fresh coat of paint, behind home plate, with the vendor King, on a Flying Squirrels helmet, and with a sack of Vickie's favorite ballpark snacks.

With Nutsy, the team mascot, the nut vendors, riding in Sue's purse, with Thomas Neal, and at the beer kiosk.
To be continued.... I'm sure!
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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bird Theater Double Feature

Our Last Moonlight Movies turned into a double feature. We started off with the Jenkins boys pick Endless Summer II, a surfing extravaganza.
When that was over and nobody seemed to want to leave I ran a couple of Shorts to entertain the kids. When it became evident that the party was not over I gave up and ran the movie Monsters Inc.
We dispersed just shy of midnight.

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Third Annual Ride for Jim (2010)

The local Ride for Jim Block Party and Final Ride have become a fun if not grueling annual event. This was my third year and it was nice to see it grow from the 13 final riders in 2008, to the 80 plus riders this year.
Jim's Story

2008 Final Ride Video

King Williams Dare Devil Nora does the tree climb, while Susu and Mike discuss what really is under those Kilts at the block party.

Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling

From glen to glen, and down the mountain side
The summer's gone, and all the flowers are dying
'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide.

Clockwise from top left...
King William Crew Riders: Perry Des Jardins, Dave (Doc) Salley, Me, Chris Ekland, Pete Gilbert...
Pete's eagle is like the traveling gnome.. there's a story there, I'm just not sure what it is.

Clockwise from top left:
At the end of the ride in Yorktown VA it was time to cool off.
Jack Salley learns sand isn't for eating. The riders wives: Lisa, Ann, Kari, Kelsey. Riders Dr Haar 2008 - Howard Smith '10- Charlie Nottingham '09 - Doug Gardner '10 & Dave Jenkins (Block Party '08, '09, '10) Jack Jack is introduced to the water by dad Dave. Fashion Diva Klara Salley likes to Splish Splash in the water.
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