Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nuala's Fall Road Trip.

Sue has had it in her mind for sometime now that Nuala would enjoy a trip to the beach. I'm not so sure that it wasn't Sue channeling her desires through Nuala.
In any event, Nuala got her wish and we traveled down to Sandbridge, VA for the day.

Clockwise from bottom right: "are we there yet", "are we there yet", "are we there yet", "are we there yet"...


Nuala's introduction to the ocean went well right up until she was pummeled by a  decent sized wave. After that she was content to spend the rest of the afternoon at the beach chairs with Poppy.
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1 comment:

  1. Lucky Nuala!
    And Brig just aerated our lawn but there were no Krispy Kremes involved...he feels cheated!
