Sunday, March 28, 2010

Annual King William Easter Egg Hunt

Susu put together another of her annual events for the kids on the block, both old and young.

And as has been the case for all her events, it garnered rave reviews.

Great job Susu !!!

They're at the gate.... The flag is up.... Aaaaand they're off !!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

In the words of Roseanne Roseannadanna,"It's always something".

Well, they say these things happen in threes....
First my Mercedes mechanic closed his business...

This caused the purchase of a new car.

Then the appliance repairman told us it would cost $400.00 to fix the washer.

This caused the purchase of a new washing machine.
Wonder what could be next???

God Help Us!
This isn't our roof... just what I imagined would be next, what with the rain and all!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Susu's B-day flowers from Grandma Flynn

Very Nice !!!!
Thank you Grandma Flynn!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Dear Susu, Happy Birthday Too You!

We all were blessed on this date just a few years back.

For it was on this date that Susan Ellen Picker came to be with us.

If I can be so bold as to speak for everyone that knows "Susu". When we look back on the fun times we have had over the years, the one constant has always been her presence.

It just wouldn't have been the same without her.

Happy Birthday Dear Susu

You are loved more that you will ever know!

And if I may close borrowing lyrics from the song "Life Is But A Dream".

Life is but a dream

And I dream of you

Strange as it seems

All night I see you

I'm trying to tell you

Just what you mean to me

If these are the Dawg Daze I wouldn't mind being a dawg!

Clip, clip here, Clip, clip there, We give the roughest claws that certain air of savoir faire, In the Merry Old Land of OZ.
Nuala spent Saturday getting her Spa treatment at Critter Town a local bath house for... well, Critters!
Then it was off to one of the local Cat & Dog Shoppes for a car bed to go in the new truck.
I'm not sure who was more spoiled, Susu or the dog ??

Hey big boy, Ya got a light?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Susu's new wheels.

When my Mercedes mechanic shuttered his business I decided it was time to look for a new set of wheels. So I took back my Civic and set Susu up in a CRV EX-L. She now has the warmest buns in town, (not to mention the cutest), thanks to the heated seats. Good timing too, as it's snowing again.

Next order of business... anyone need a vintage 1986 Mercedes?