Thursday, October 4, 2012

Look who I found in Texas...

 My sister Julie was out in the Dallas area on business and we had a chance to visit up at The Gaylord Texan Resort & Spa.
Travel Traders, the company Julie works for, was taking over management of the gift and sundries shops that are in the hotel.
After Julie gave me the nickel tour of the hotel and it's shops, we had a nice dinner and visit at the on site restaurant Riverwalk Cantina.
 Tough Choices!!! Yippie Kay Yay Buckaroo!

 To give some perspective on the size of the hotel. BIG!
noun \ˈtek-səs, -siz\

Origin of TEXAS
Texas, state of United States; from the naming of cabins on Mississippi steamboats after states, the officers' cabins being the largest
First Known Use: 1857

Synonyms: astronomical (also astronomic), Brobdingnagian, bumper, colossal, cosmic (also cosmical), cyclopean, elephantine, enormous, galactic, huge, giant, gigantesque, gigantic, grand, herculean, heroic (also heroical), Himalayan, humongous (also humungous), immense, jumbo, king-size (or king-sized), leviathan, mammoth, massive, mega, mighty, monster, monstrous, monumental, mountainous, oceanic, pharaonic, planetary, prodigious, super, super-duper, supersize, supersized, titanic, tremendous, vast, vasty, walloping, whacking, whopping

And now a little something for the grand-kids... I imagine Ezra and Brig should be able to pull this off with their Popsicle sticks.


  1. Very cool!
    And so neat that you got to see Julie!
    We miss you both.
    And don't give Ezra and Brig any ideas! Oy!

  2. OMG!!!!! That place is HUGE. And I thought only the corn dogs were bigger in Texas. So glad you got to spend time with Julie. You sure haven't lacked visitors the past 6 weeks! Yay.
