Thursday, December 3, 2009

Will Jack Frost pay us a visit Saturday?

Anyone that knows me knows that I enjoy following the weather, some might say obsessively.

I am especially fascinated with winter and the prospects of snow, no doubt because it was so rare in Southern California, and Phoenix.

Well, the drum beat for the first snowfall for the 2009-2010 season is growing louder and the prognosticators are saying that this coming Saturday looks to be a good bet.

Tuesday was the first mention of the white stuff on the local forecast with 44 the high, 27 the low, with a 50% chance of rain/snow.

Wednesday the changed it to 43 the high, 26 the low, with a 50% chance of showers.

Today, Thursday, they predict 43 the high, 25 the low, and 90% chance rain/snow.

Having kept track of our Snowfalls going back to the 2002-2003 season I can tell you that our first snowfalls with any accumulation to speak of were as follows:

2002-2003 December 4th thru 5th Started 9pm 6 inches.

2003-2004 / 2004-2005 Both in Dayrunners and filed away, Curses!

2005-2006 December 5th 3-4 inches

2006-2007 January 18th AM (Dusting)

2007-2008 December 5th (Dusting)

2008-2009 January 19th (Dusting)

Interesting to note that the 2002, 2005, and 2007 events were all on December 5th and this Saturday is December 5th 2009.


Only time will tell.... in the meantime I'm going to go down and wax my skis.

Cowabunga Baby!!!

1 comment:

  1. You (and Al Roker) are the only person on the planet that records the snow history of your town! It is kind of cool though to see that it has snowed pretty consistently (as far as weather goes) on the 5th of Dec. You must be sitting on a gold mine or something! If it snows on Saturday you've got to go out and get a Lotto ticket stat! :)
