Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving visit day three, The finale.

The last day of Robin and Jenn's visit began with a visit to a favorite breakfast spot of ours, Paradise Diner. Not only did we enjoy a scrumptious meal but our guests graciously picked up the tab.
Thank you Ladies!

Then it was off to look over the Rivah down the street at Pony Pastures.

After leaving Pony Pastures and taking the scenic route along Riverside Drive, we ended up at the University of Richmond campus and took a leisurely stroll around the lake.

After U of R we drove the girls down Monument Avenue and ended up in Carrytown. There we stopped for Ice Cream at Bev's after walking through some of Sue's favorite shops.
After Carrytown it was back to the casa to finish packing, and have Nuala demonstrate, one last time, the proper lap dog form.

Then as the saying goes, "All good things must come to an end". We said our goodbyes, packed the girls into the car and took them to the airport here in Richmond. There we said our goodbyes again, (sniff), and watched the girls disappear through the security checkpoint and off to their gate.

We had a great time and were both glad to entertain as well as to be entertained by our two very special guests.

Thanks loads Robin and Jenn, Love you, and we'll see you in Park City come February if not sooner.

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1 comment:

  1. How fun! And congrats on getting the hang of this blogging thing. I knew you would be a pro in no time! And look at all that your faithful followers would have missed out on if you hadn't been strong armed into starting a blog in the first place!
