Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Wishing all you Hepcats a Happy New Year !!!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Hey! Where's the fire???
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
White Christmas Part Deux

First stop Saturday morning was Blanchard's Coffee Shop. Sue, Nuala, and I were joined this morning by neighbors Mike and Pam Schwartz, Mike House, John and Ruth Ann Coski.

We had the coffee shop to ourselves until some special visitors arrived, Molly and Ann Casen Blanchard, and the BG's, (Belde girls), Lily and Sophie.

When the work was done it was time to play. The Andresen kids, Ian and Mia, with help from mom Heather, built a wonderful snowman. He was a dandy!
Then for no reason other than to be able to say that I'd done it, I strapped on the skis and made a couple runs down Prince Arther. The conditions were pretty bad, (no doubt why cars aren't used to groom ski runs), and I almost took Susu and myself out on the second attempt.
All this work and fun made for some hearty appetites so a bunch of us headed back down the street for lunch and some cold ones at O'Tooles Pub. After lunch and a couple beers a nap seemed in order. I headed for the couch and the others rested and recharged so we would have the energy to partake in "Luminary Night" to be held that evening at dusk. be continued.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
ARMY vs NAVY 2009
We again hosted a small get together with our neighbors, Mike and Pammy Schwartz (Neutral), John and Ruth Ann Coski (Navy), and Mike House (Army). Thanks again Michael for your support of ARMY!! Thanks again Mike and Pammy for leaning towards Army... (Checks in the mail).
As for John and RA.... Cong...sputter..... Congra...... Gag........Congratula..... cough cough......
Ahhh Heck!!!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Yes Virginia, there is a Jack Frost.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Will Jack Frost pay us a visit Saturday?
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Thanksgiving visit day three, The finale.
After leaving Pony Pastures and taking the scenic route along Riverside Drive, we ended up at the University of Richmond campus and took a leisurely stroll around the lake.
After U of R we drove the girls down Monument Avenue and ended up in Carrytown. There we stopped for Ice Cream at Bev's after walking through some of Sue's favorite shops.
After Carrytown it was back to the casa to finish packing, and have Nuala demonstrate, one last time, the proper lap dog form.
Thanksgiving visit day two
After Crossroads we headed over to the Farmers Market at Forest Hill Park by way of the newly renovated Forest Hill Park Lake. This was a chance to show off the newest slice of Richmond to our guests.
Some of us did some shopping at the Farmers Market, while others had breakfast at one of the many vendors serving food, then it was back home for a little rest before the evenings activities.
Saturday Evening we tried out a new restaurant, The Boathouse at Rockets Landing, that is down in the Shockoe Bottoms area of Richmond. We had eaten at a sister restaurant that many of our past guests are familiar with, The Boathouse at Sunday Park, which over looks the Swift Creek Reservoir out near my 1st apartment in Midlothian, VA. We knew the food and setting for the Sunday Park restaurant was superb and found the new addition to the chain to be outstanding as well.
After dinner picture standing on the landing outside the restaurant and looking North west over the James River towards the Richmond city lights. A wonderful end to a wonderful day with our wonderful guests!
Special Guests For Thanksgiving Arrive
It was then on to China Town and dinner with the girls at "Eat First" a Chinese restaurant our good friend Shawn had introduced us to. After dinner it was off to Richmond.