Anyone that knows Julie knows this isn't the case...
The Gaylord's decorations are far to subdued to be the work of Julie!
But what a great lil sis... while out here in TX for work she invited me up to the Gaylord for the Christmas show they put on called "Ice". Followed by Diner at the River Walk Cantina.
We were told, (multiple times), to dress warm... Coats, hats, scarves, gloves, were all recommended.
What they failed to mention was the fact we were going to be spending the evening in a freezer kept at 9 degrees! This bears repeating... NINE DEGREES. Or, only nine degrees above zero!
As ordered I brought the requisite attire and as we went into the reception area we were issued floor length hooded parkas to go over our warm clothes... seemed silly at the time...
I should have taken two!!
As we walked toward the entrance we went thru heavy plastic screens serving as air dams and the temperature change was striking. A couple coming out as we entered advised, "You're going to want to put those hoods on". This was when I was made aware it was only 9 degrees. YIKES!
I... "we" survived the encounter, I was glad Julie was there to insure I made it out alive. Although we only spent about 20 minutes in the exhibit I was glad when we exited back into the relative warmth of the main exhibit hall.
The only ill effects I encountered were a frozen, and excruciatingly painful right hand due to using it ungloved to take pics, along with a fogged up pair of glasses.
Thanks sis, for the ICE adventure and the cozy meal afterwards!!
As ordered I brought the requisite attire and as we went into the reception area we were issued floor length hooded parkas to go over our warm clothes... seemed silly at the time...
I should have taken two!!
As we walked toward the entrance we went thru heavy plastic screens serving as air dams and the temperature change was striking. A couple coming out as we entered advised, "You're going to want to put those hoods on". This was when I was made aware it was only 9 degrees. YIKES!
I... "we" survived the encounter, I was glad Julie was there to insure I made it out alive. Although we only spent about 20 minutes in the exhibit I was glad when we exited back into the relative warmth of the main exhibit hall.
The only ill effects I encountered were a frozen, and excruciatingly painful right hand due to using it ungloved to take pics, along with a fogged up pair of glasses.
Thanks sis, for the ICE adventure and the cozy meal afterwards!!