Ahhh... what a wonderful sight... watching Texas fall away as I took flight and head back home to Virginia. As is always the case the visit was all too short!
First on the agenda.... a quick nap, followed by a not so quick nap, so that I'll be fully rested for the grand nap. Nuala forced me do it!
During the visit we had the Top Of The Hill Gang over for the NFL playoffs. Good friends, good eats, good games, and as John demonstrates, a good time for a nap. Sue must have taken the picture as I was asleep too.
Another item of business was the annual 5K King William Luminary Night.
I'll say it again..."What a great bunch of neighbors"!
New this year was the fact there was no snow. The general consensus was this made for an evening if not as pretty, a bit more comfortable than in years past.
I missed having the snow!
It was a wonderful visit.... can't wait for the next walk along the James.