Army Navy Game 2010...
I snuck out at midnight the night prior and hung the Army flag off the Coski's front banister... John's comment to Ruth Ann the next morning, "We've been provoked". (Priceless) As you can see, they've added an amendment.
As we set up for the days event I told Sue that we didn't need a chair for John as he would be down on the floor with Nuala. He did not prove me to be a liar.
This was the first event to be held in the recently upgraded Bird Theater down in the Man Cave.
Sue and I joined our guests Mike and Pam, along with John and Ruth Ann in enjoying a wonderful spread. The Coski's brought along a plate of Pigs in a Blanket, a loaf of John's yummy bread, and RA's spicy cheese "cookies" . Mike and Pam supplied Mike's famous Moonlight Movie Popcorn, and Susu whipped up a crock pot of corny chili with cheese. For those with room for it, we had Apple Pie a la mode, and Cheese Cake.
RA impressed us all with her half time Flying Wallendas Power Nap.
RA impressed us all with her half time Flying Wallendas Power Nap.
Navy 31 Army 17.
C'est La vie.
Over the years I've become quite adept at biting my lip.