Friday, July 16, 2010

Early birds may get the worm... But early Nualas and Poppys...well....

They get the luscious sunrise...


Or perhaps an up close encounter with some of the local fauna, a Great Blue Heron for example.

Guess Nuala got just a little to close to the fauna... The Great Blue Heron and a Mallard decide it was time to vacate this spot on the river.

Then the topper... a visit from another denizen of the forest.... Mr. Beaver. This guy walked right up like he hadn't a care in the world and for a moment stopped not three feet away and closed his eyes. I suspect he was heading home after an exhausting all-nighter.

Just another day in paradise!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


The inaugural Movie Night for the 2010 season was this last Saturday, and kids of all ages enjoyed the movie Surfs Up.
Cowabunga Dude!!

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Some more of nothing to do.....

More of the Fourth of July Parade..... who's making all the racket?

Nuala waits.... waits some more.... waits a little more.... and patiently waits, for the fisherman to come home.

So what do you do when the fish aren't biting ???

GOLF of course!!!

Mike Schwartz, Alex, and Poppy play 18 at the Chesterfield First Tee. Alex makes the rounds only birdie!!!

The Beldie girls Sophie and Lilly, or is it Lilly and Sophie....whatever.... celebrate a birthday prior to the 2010 inaugural Bird Theater Moonlight Movies.

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I'm bored... there's nothing to do....except ----

Watch TV with Nuala, Go fishing at the lake, watch a movie with Nuala, practice tricks on the yo yo, watch another movie.

Practice riding the skateboard, dejavu, practice some more, and practice, practice, practice.... must be some cute girls he's going to try to impress at the Fourth of July parade.

The really BIG Westover Hills, they close down the streets for the morning, Parade!!!
Susu, Poppy, & Nula decked out for the occasion... The Reavey/Gilbert gang joins the fray. Mia and Ian pose for the press. Nuala in her star spangled collar tries to decide who to love up first.

Among the thousands of floats, bands and dignitaries marching down the parade route were some really cute kids! Throw in some of the beautiful people like Dr's Dave and Kelsey Salley... just can't get any better than this!

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Monday, July 5, 2010

...and ya don't stop!!!

The rest of June played out in similar fashion.... lots and lots to do!
Saturdays the crew assembles for a trip to Blanchard's, the Farmers Market, or both. Hadley and Papa Mike stay cool on the front porch, Alex finds the sprinkler to be his cup of tea.
The Robin's next and it's occupants were right outside Alex's bedroom window so he had roommates until they fledged and left the nest.
Alex points out the Red Sonic Rooster Tail he used to haul in his bass.

The Crew enjoys another great evening of entertainment at Forest Hills Music in the Park series.

Alex and Nuala have become best buds!
Susu and Alex found a Polka broadcast that must have been great entertainment... they talked about it for days!
As is usually the case, the breakfast was great at Paradise Cafe.
Alex heads out for day one of Golf Camp.

Alex lost a tooth on his visit... Chah Ching $$
...and takes a bath on his visit to DC for the Beatle's Concert up at Wolf Trap.
A trip to DC wouldn't be complete without a visit to the Air and Space museum.
Susu and Alex made the trip via train from Richmond... as you can see Alex made himself feel right at home. The beautiful Union Station.

Part of the crew took in a Squirrels game.... it was an exciting game but alas, the Squirrels came up short.... sniffle! In attendance were Alex, Susu, Poppy, Mike House, Mike and Pam Schwartz, Lindsay and John Farner, and the irrepressible John and Ruth Ann Coski.

Bring on July!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Nothing much to report.. All quiet on the eastern front... yeah right !

Well it's about time....

I'm not to concerned about the fact I haven't kept this update like I might have liked... I'm sure the two followers won't mind.

* Early June *

Susu's pop Walt came to town for a visit and short stay. They took in a Squirrels game and Walt met the west coast connection and left fielder Thomas Neal. The art museum was also visited and Sue took her Dad to Rockets Landing for dinner.

Sue took a trip up to PA to visit with her Mom and Pop and relatives galore!

Back in Richmond, Sue and the girls got together for a "Girls Night Out" and took in the latest Sex in the City, Chick Flick.

The girls all met before the movie in our front yard and were served Dr. Dave's Famous Cosmopolitans by Dr. Dave himself no less. Note the Doc in Tux shirt and bow tie displaying his usual aplomb.

The children all spent the evening with the dads over at Derek's... I suspect Beer and Pizza was the choice at that venue. Mike and I, having no little ones, took in a Squirrels game at the Diamond.

Grandson Alex has joined us for the summer and took in an impromptu King William Crew get together down at O'Toole's, visited the Rivah with Nuala, was smooched by Nuala, and went to the Saturday morning Farmers Market.

More to Follow...