Friday, June 4, 2010

Missy & Claire's Soiree.

Our neighbors at the other end of the block, Claire and Missy, had a get together last Saturday for all of the King William Crew past and present that were in town for the holiday.

The food was wonderful, the company delightful, and the hosts Divine!

Thanks Claire and Missy for a splendid Soiree!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Taking up residence.

House Wren

During his visit last summer, our Grandson Alex built a fine cedar Wren house and hung it up in the back yard. I noticed on Saturday a pair of House Wrens had started to prepare the house for their impending brood. I imagine they will be sitting on eggs by the time Alex arrives for his visit in a few weeks.
Enlarge the following photos and look close, Ive tried to indicate where the Wren is in the pictures.

On a side note... Ezra's bird house has had two families of House Sparrows so far this year.