Hard to imagine that I was just 23 when I had my very first child... not more than a child myself. It changed my life forever and for the better.
I remember taking you home from the hospital and thinking that everyone around me was just driving way too fast!
I remember cleaning everything you came in contact with to the point that any attached microbe had a better chance surviving on the face of the sun.
I remember your first belly laugh, how it made me feel faint, and how we whisked you out of the store all the while trying to get you to do it again.
I remember your first steps and how everything in the house became so sharp and pointy looking.
I remember getting a rush of adrenaline each time you'd fall and thinking my heart wasn't going to be able to survive it all.
I remember trials and tribulations you went through that were oh so important at the time, and how I wished I could make them all go away.
Most of all I remember all the fun times we've had, how proud I am of who you've become, and how excited I am to see what life has in store for you.
Robin, we love you more that you will ever know. Happy Birthday dear one.
Poppy and Susu.