Playtime in the snow and a couple turns around the ice rink for Alex, Ezra, Kian, Eden, and Auntie Robin
Poppy's 55th guests play pin the cheesy mustache on Poppy.
After the games, awards are presented, candles blown out, and the cake is served.
Big Al's Big Spill was a Big Scare!
On Alex's second day in snowboard class I received a call and voice mail while skiing the mountain that requested my presence at the Ski Patrol medical hut at the base of the mountain. Seems Big Al had taken a spill and bonked his noggin.
The good news was that Alex was wearing a helmet at the insistence of Grandma Susu. Even so the Dr's manning the clinic said it appeared he had suffered a very mild concussion. Thus ended Alex's days on the mountain.
Quite time back at the condo was the Dr's orders.
Al is doing quite nicely at the time this is being posted.